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There are several different ways to train but the one style of training I focus on the most is Resistance Training. I like to use Resistance Training in a program to build strength and build muscle. Both of these things can lead to an increase level of confidence for the client, strength to do daily activities, and can help overall physical and mental health of the client. There are also several different ways to write up programs and the way i will program is in weekly undulating four week blocks. The exercise selection and dosage will be chosen depending on the clients goals and experience. I will do a personal check in after every week to see how the week went, how they felt about the different exercises, what went good, what went bad, what they would like to see changed if it did not work out etc. These check ins will be useful for the myself and the client understand how the program is working for them. I will use a RPE(rate of perceived exertion) load system to help the client properly adapt to progressively overload. 

Training Style


When creating a Resistance Training program it is important to include a variety of movement patterns and exercises that you can appropriately progress over time. Three lifts I like to focus on for strength are the Back Squat, Deadlift, and Bench press, because these three movements are the "Big three" and are movements that you can generate a considerable amount of power and strength in. These can also be used in a training session when you don't have a lot of time for isolated movements because these movements use most of the muscles in your body at one given time. However, these movements do not have to be done as is and can be regressed or given a different exercise performing the same pattern of movement i.e. instead of a back squat a client can do an anteriorly loaded front squat if that is what they feel more comfortable with. 


It is important to me that I can teach the why behind what I am doing for the program design for my clients because I think it is a potential skill that they could eventually do on their own. So sticking to evidence based principles and using strategies that are proven to work forms a trust between me and my client. If they ever want the evidence or want to know the why about what I am doing for them I can give them or point them to the right resources. It also builds confidence within the client themselves because the more you know about what you are doing the more confident you will be with your progress and reaching your goals. 

  • Kayllllzzz
  • Kayla Kaukola
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  • Kaylzzfit
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