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Strength Lower Body Example Session
Strength Upper Body Example Session

These are two example of different days that would be included in a strength focused program. One is a lower body primary squat day with mostly quad focused accessories and the other is an upper body primary bench day with push focused accessories. These would be two days out of a 5 day workout week with two rest days. Weeks will go into 4 week blocks. The load is based on a RPE system, this is the first week so we would be starting out at a lower RPE of 6 on our primary squat and bench, progressively working towards an 8 or 9 RPE. After the 4 weeks we will repeat and depending how the block went changes will be made to load, sets, reps and accessory exercise selection.

Block 1: 65% 1RM

Block 2: 75% 1RM

Block 3: 80-85% 1RM

Block 4: 90-100% 1RM or PR block

Block 1: 75% 1RM

Block 2: 75% 1RM

Block 3: 80% 1RM

Block 4: 80% 1RM

Block 1: 50% 1RM

Block 2: 50% 1RM

Block 3: 60%1RM

Block 4: 60% 1RM

The reason for this is because all phases play a role for each other. In the strength phase we will focus on getting stronger through the 3 main lifts and maximizing proficiency of the movement. In the hypertrophy phase we will focus on growing muscle because building more muscle will help with overall strength. And lastly we will work into a power phase because it will help the client move heavier weight faster. These phases will be worked in 4 Week blocks and we will repeat each block with progressive overload, around 4 times depending on the goals of the client.

  • Kayllllzzz
  • Kayla Kaukola
  • YouTube
  • Kaylzzfit
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